
Mosaic Knitting Surprised Me

I’ve taken on mosaic knitting, and at first I felt like I was cheating with this form of two-color knitting.  I’m more than accomplished at stranded/fair isle techniques and I confess my pride was peeking through a little. Initially I thought, I don’t want anyone smugly thinking she couldn’t do the real thing so she’s trying that second-rate color stuff.

Mosaic sweaterI’ve had a change of thinking. Mosaic knitting doesn’t try to mimic stranded knitting; it’s a unique style, and a beautiful one.

I’ve had to go back and re-do I don’t know how many wrong side rows because I keep forgetting to hold the yarn in the back for the slipped stitches. If you don’t, the mosaic pattern won’t show, so it’s important.

My main frustration is that the mosaic pattern is knit entirely in garter stitch, which takes about 40 percent more rows per inch to complete. Some people knit more quickly with a garter stitch, and with the mosaic you’re only using one color per row, so it may not be a problem for some, but it seemed to take forever.

However, I am liking the look. It has a nice drape, not as heavy as stranded knitting. I’m also happy with my color choices, pink and black. The pattern (the cover pattern on the Winter 2015 VK) uses two colors very similar to each other for a more subtle texture. That’s also a nice look, but I think it would be difficult to differentiate the colors when you’re knitting, especially if you’re new to this technique.

I’m using an old favorite yarn of mine, Rowan Wool Cotton, which wears incredibly well and is good to work with. It is a little too warm for summer months (even late spring), but I don’t find myself wearing many sweaters at that time anyway.

The pattern is a little odd. The back is entirely 2×2 rib, as are the sleeves, so it’s form-fitting. The ribbing in the back isn’t very flattering for anyone with a less-than perfect body. Plus, knitting in 2×2 rib is tedious. I’d actually suggest using a different pattern for this style of knitting. I think I’ll like the sweater, but I wouldn’t recommend it as the most satisfying pattern to work with.

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